Rumi's World

All things that happen in the ideas or real world of I.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Secret World of Rumi, the Fantastic World of I

I have been talking to myself for years. Earlier on, it was for the need of a friend. I now have a few good friends, with whom I can share more things. I am certain I do not have many "big, deep secrets" left.

But I was born with a sad, lonely nature. I can no longer decide whether that's right or wrong. I was also born with an exuberant nature. Both of them peacefully co-exist.

The world is much too chaotic for a person to assert their own essence or influence. Sometimes it is the world that influences me, sometimes I live myself through this world. In any case, this is sometimes troubling, but mostly interesting.

Throughout my life, I have largely been quiet, though most perceived my pretension of noise to be the real me. It wasn't. I still haven't spoken on many things. But I must speak now.

Whether it by G-d's design, or my own attempt, I am still quiet and talk mostly within my head. It's made me sad over the years, and it sometimes scares me still - as if I exist in a void.

I do not know.

The only amazing and wonderful realization that I am beginning to have is that my nature has made me intelligent. There are amazingly indescribable beautiful images and thoughts in my head. I know many things, but speak on few. I know what's in the heart of people, and what the future is. My mind is simply too powerful. It speaks to me, and I have wonderful dreams in night - some of which I will share here - with great detail of imagery and story. I feel they must not go to the waste of quiet memory. I shall write them...

For the past three years, I have gone through a certain period of pain brought on about change. The change itself, however, is wonderful. I have found love, and with it, much happiness - more than what my character can gracefully take. Yet this entire period has brought forth much that I had kept hidden deep within me. That, and the awakening of the strange gift of Wisdom makes me conscious, creative, and expressive.

What I have to share, however, can be difficult for those around me. So I have decided to put to "paper" here.

More than that, there is nothing to say as to why I am going to write.


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